The game design methodology series is intended for developers contributing to game design. I will be sharing the methodologies I have used to create game titles. Many of the methods are unique and can offer alternate perspectives on how to approach design.
The topics included in the series are:
Creating Mechanics (30:11) - Taking an idea of a game to turn into data. That data can then reveal what mechanics are needed for the title.
Iteration (15:20) - Iteration is more important than you. I talk about what to iterate when.
Iteration speed (11:17) - Ensuring my iteration is working to get closer to my actual goal instead of just being a waste of time.
The Vision (11:04) - How to take thoughts for a game and start to shape them into an experience game mechanics can be created for.
Actually Build a Game Economy Part 1 & Part 2 - A step by step small example of building a game economy to help create the experience you want.
This is intended as a living list, I will add additional topics as they are created.